Sick of apperances

What does it mean to be a Christian?
We all have an idea of what being a Christian should look like.
But would should it feel like? Are appearances more important than relationships or emotions?

More and more getting along in the world just seems exhausting. I have devoted the past few weeks really honing in on faith. Going back to the basics of trust and what that really means. The more I read, I increasingly feel like I am missing something internally. A feeling that should be at the core of everything I am, and everything I do. That feeling is peaceful confidence. Everything I have absorbed over the last few weeks leads me to believe with the utmost faith, that this mindset exists. This lifestyle exists, but only to those who can release all control. But how!!? Where does my responsibilities start, and God’s begin? From time to time I watch others, trying to glean a secret from observation. I listen intently to messages on the radio, are those important? I see myself questioning everything, is that a good thing? What I am realizing is that people are a character. Few people seem genuine and appearances seem to be so critical to survival. Anyone not showing a self-centered, purpose driven, I gotta get mine attitude is perceived as weak. Worthless. Maybe that’s the place I need to start. When I came back to Christ after a long stretch of selfishness, I started my way back in a pretty dark, pretty big hole. But at least I knew which way I was supposed to grow. I didn’t give myself to God until most of why I had was stripped away. Maybe that’s the fear that’s keeping me from committing fully. I don’t really care anymore about appearances, I am craving a mindset that can only be achieved by a full surrender. These are my thoughts for public display or help . It has been awhile since I posted, but do find it helpful in times of growth, questions and transitions.